The companies and other organizations signing this Pact

* Aware that the Brazilian civil society expects from the economic agents a declaration of commitment to principles, attitudes and procedures that can change the political life of the country, as well as longs for the effective practice of such principles;

* Willing to offer an answer to the Nation that can live up to its expectations;

* Determined to disseminate good practices of business ethics that can eradicate corruption from the list of strategies used to achieve economic results;

* Aware that the eradication of illegal, immoral and unethical practices depends upon an effort of the socially responsible economic agents to engage an increasing number of companies and civil organizations in such initiatives;


1. Adopting or reinforcing all the necessary actions and procedures so that the people working for them become acquainted with the laws ruling their actions on behalf of each of the Signatories or for their benefit, so that they can fully comply with them, especially in their relations with government officials[1]:

* when practicing good citizenship;

* in the capacity of member of the community, thus constitutionally deemed a sustainable development agent.

* as taxpayer;

* as goods or services supplier for or buyer from the government;

* as applicant to, or holder of a concession, authorization or permit, or equivalent connection with the government [2];

* in any other condition or with any other purpose.

1.1 In order to meet such objective they commit themselves to implementing internal procedures for the dissemination, guidance and answer to queries about the established laws applicable to the relationships above, including, without limitation, the provisions addressing the following:

* active corruption of Brazilian and foreign activities;

* passive corruption;

* graft;

* administrative corruption;

* collusion in bids;

* crimes against the economy and tax crimes;

* limits and means of contributions to political campaigns.

2. Prohibiting or imposing a stricter prohibition on anyone or any organization acting on behalf of Signatories or for their benefit from giving, committing themselves to giving or offering bribe, understood as any type of gift, advantage, or emolument, whether direct or indirect, to any government official, not even to obtain favorable decision to their business.

2.1 In order to ensure what is agreed in this paragraph they commit themselves to:

* developing, approving and determining the disclosure and enforcement of internal rules (Code of Conduct and/or Integrity Policy) that express in an unequivocal way the prohibition set forth herein;

* implementing training program on internal rules;

* implementing a communications and verification system for the ethical practices (Ombudsman);

* adopting a financial system that allows the individualization of the several types of incomes, expenses and costs, which can meet the legal requirements, be effective in preventing payments that do not comply with internal rules, and enable its identification.

3. Prohibiting or imposing a stricter prohibition on anyone or any organization acting on behalf of Signatories or for their benefit from making contributions for political campaigns seeking favoritism of any kind or with the purpose of avoiding retaliations or illegal omissions.

3.1 In order to allow the fulfillment of what is agreed in this paragraph the Signatories commit themselves to:

* making contributions to political campaigns exclusively within strict legal limits;

* when doing so, observing the way, place and other legitimacy requirements;

* checking the correct recording of the amounts contributed to the party and informed to the Board of Elections, denouncing any detected irregularity.

4. Prohibiting or imposing a stricter prohibition on anyone or any organization acting on behalf of Signatories, whether as representative, agent, proxy, or under any other connection, using any immoral or unethical means in the relations with government officials.

4.1 In order to enforce what is set forth in this paragraph, the Signatories commit themselves to:

* implementing internal mechanisms to verify and prove proportionality and reasonability of payments made to representatives, agents, proxies, and other people or organizations with whom they have similar connections;

* providing such internal mechanisms with tools that prevent and reveal any attempt to circumvent this resolution regarding ethical behavior through artifices or any indirect means.

5. Disclosing to other economic agents, entities, and associations to which the Signatories relate the principles expressed in this Pact.

6. Supporting and cooperating with the public power in any investigation of potential irregularity, violation of the law or of the ethical principles set forth in this Pact, making available to the public power their books, records and files regardless of judicial order.

7. The Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility; Patri Government Relations and Public Policy; United Nations Development Program/UNDP; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime/UNODC, and the Global Compact Brazilian Committee, in the capacity of promoters of this Pact, take the additional responsibilities of:

* creating and making available on their websites the tools necessary for its implementation, including models of Integrity Policies and Codes of Ethics, Tools for Implementation and Management of commitments comprising the Pact, cases of best practices, and other suggestions;

* encouraging the entities that support the micro and small companies to implement guiding systems on the legal grounds that enable them to sign and comply with this pact.

8. The entities that comprise the Mobilization Board and the other class associations signing this Pact take the additional responsibilities of:

* taking the necessary initiatives so that a growing number of companies and affiliated organizations might sign this Pact.

São Paulo, June 22, 2006


· Ethos Institute – Business and Social Responsibility;

· Patri – Government Relations and Public Policy;

· United Nations Development Program/UNDP;

· United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime/UNODC;

· Global Compact Brazilian Committee

Mobilization Board:

· Brazilian Association of the Personal Hygiene, Perfume and Cosmetics Industry (ABIHPEC)

· Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (ABIT)

· Brazilian Closed Pension Fund Association (ABRAPP)

· Brazilian Association of Advertising Agencies (ABAP)

· Brazilian Association of Entrepreneurs for Citizenship (CIVES)

· Association of the Investment Analysts and Professionals of Capital Market (APIMEC)

· São Paulo Press Association

· São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa)

· Center of Industrial Companies of the State of São Paulo (CIESP)

· Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brazil (CACB)

· Brazilian affiliate of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS)

· Federation of Industrial Companies of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG)

· Federation of Industrial Companies of the State of São Paulo (FIESP)

· Federation of Industrial Companies of the State of Paraná (FIEP)

· Federation of Industrial Companies of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN)

· National Quality Foundation (FNQ)

· SEMCO Foundation, Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption

· Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC)

· DNA Brasil Institute
_____________________________________________________________________________________(1) "Government Official" for the purpose of this Pact shall mean any person working for any of the three powers, any government body, or with powers to act on behalf of a public body, whether employee, administrator, elected representative or candidate for representative.
(2) "Government" shall mean any body or any direct or indirect public administration office, including foundations and organizations supported mainly by public resources, connected with any of the three powers of any government body.